South Dakota Enhanced Concealed Carry
- Certifies you for your S.D enhanced concealed carry permit.
- Comprehensive class designed to give you the best bang for your buck.
- Powerful insights into the concealed carry lifestyle.
- practical drills that will boost your shooting capabilities.
- Evidence-Based Coaching on real-world self-defense application.
Pepper Spray Playbook
- Hands-on interactive scenario based drills to give you the edge in training.
- Comes With P.O.M OC Spray. (Live Can And inert Trainer)
- extinguish common myths and misnomers about pepper spray.
- a full understanding surrounding the laws and regulations as it relates to O.C.
- Evidence-Based Coaching on real-world self-defense application.
Introducing Personal Protection
- Great for those new to handgun/ self-defense coaching.
- low round count with plenty of personalized instruction.
- builds a solid foundation of the fundamentals of marksmanship and carry principles.
- Works at your pace so you can leave with adequate understanding and skills.
- Evidence-Based Coaching For long lasting lessons learned.
The Proficient Draw: Mastering the draw
- utilize neurolinguistics programing (N.L.P) to create well built muscle memory.
- Master above national average draw times (1.5 seconds) and receive the tools for sub second capabilities.
- Powerful insights into the concealed carry lifestyle.
- practical drills that will hone in your consistency allowing on demand performance.
- advanced concepts of shooting from unorthodox positions.
Split Precision
- Designed to improve your overall speed and accuracy.
- Dynamic Movement Drills.
- Multi-Threat engagement drills.
- How to work from cover and concealment.
- Assessing safety after the encounter.
Sniper Pistol V.2
- utilize neurolinguistics programing (N.L.P) to create well built muscle memory.
- Learn the keys to shooting at distance with your handgun.
- Practical Application of Precision.
- practical drills that will hone in your consistency allowing on demand performance.
- Building Mental Discipline.
Work Shops
Holster Development
boost your carrying skills. find out what works best for you!
2-hours -
Find Comfort And Concealment.
What Makes or breaks a quality holster.
how to choose a holster that works for YOU!
Pepper Spray Playbook
Gain valuable insight on the best defensive tool.
2-hours -
de-bunk common myths.
learn proper usage.
get hands on training.
Criminal Minds
develop keen understanding of criminal mindset.
2-hours -
Gain Criminal Mindset Insights.
Debunk Common Training Myths.
Lear The truth About Legal Obligations in Defensive Encounters.
Training Packages
Tailored One-On-One
- Satisfaction Guarantee
- Find Weak spots in your current training regiment.
- Personalized To your Specific goals, needs, and skill.
- Build Practical Self Coaching Skills To further your training beyond the range.
Realistic Readiness
- gain powerful knowledge on laws surrounding non-lethal application.
- hands on desicion making and scenario based drills to help you recognizes and react quicker to threats.
- build crucial family/friend safety plans that can be enacted imediately.
- crush myths and misnomers that can land you in hot water or get you hurt
- learn the ins and outs of criminal mindset and things to watch for.
- engage in life saving lessons with video analysis of actual defensive encounters.
Foundations Of Defense
- take your first steps into basic skill and gear development.
- Master the foundations of the concealed carry life-style.
- Get a head start on fundamental marksmanship and defensive shooting principles.
- develop crucial habits for confident & safe firarms handleing.
- learn what YOUR most effecient draw looks like.
Total Concealed Carry
- S.D Enhanced Permit Certification.
- Graduate with a 1.5 second; or faster, draw to first shot accurately.
- Build Practical Self Coaching Skills To further your training beyond the range.
- develop crucial carrying lifestyle knowledge to make your gear work for you.
- become a skilled shooter with our evidence-based coaching.
- engage in life saving lessons with video analysis of actual defensive encounters.
Advanced Precision Path
- Be the Expert in your tribe when it comes to defensive techniques.
- Develop the mindset of emotionless correction to quickly trouble shoot errors in training.
- Learn how to Visually and Physiologically get immediate feedback in your training.
- Learn how to develop Safety plans for you and your loved ones.
- Learn where skill and gear development meet and how to best Develop both for yourself.